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What hours are you available?We are open Monday through Saturday 8am to 6pm. Closed Sunday.
I need to drop off my computer for repair, when can I do that?"Please call us before dropping off your computer. We can make sure a representative is here to check in your equipment and give you an initial assessment. Call us at 507-933-0722
I don't live in town will you come to my business, house or farm?"We make house calls for our customers that live in and out of town. If you can't drop off equipment for service, we'll come to you. In some cases, depending on distance, we do charge a small trip fee. Call us today and we can let you know if you're in our service area. Call us at 507-933-0722.
Why is my computer running so slowly?Generally the first thing to try any time you're having a issues with your computer is to restart it. On a Windows based computer, click on the start button and select shutdown (after shutdown restart your computer) or just select restart. If this doesn't fix the problem. You could be infected with spyware or a virus. You can remove spyware and virus' by installing an anti-virus or anti-malware (spyware) software. You can Google search or try AVG Anti-Virus and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. We always recommend researching and then purchasing a full featured anti-virus / anti-malware software. Especially in light of recent ransomware attacks.
Do I really need to install updates to my computer?We highly recommend that you do system updates and software updates. Software is being updated all the time to fix bugs and patch security holes. If you don't perform updates to your software you could be leaving your computer open to hack attacks, virus' and spyware. Microsoft Windows machines typically update once a week on a schedule specified when you setup your computer. If you need help with this please call us at 507-933-0722.
How can I avoid getting spyware or virus'?You can avoid infecting your machine with virus' and spyware by following some simple rules: 1. Do NOT open any email attachments from people you don't know. We would also suggest reaching out to the sender and make sure they did send you the attachment. Sometimes people are infected with a virus or spyware that will take control of their email account and send malicious attachments to anyone on their contact list. 2. Use Google Chrome web browser. Google's browser will warn you if you are going to a suspicious web site and ask you if you want to continue before you pull up the web site. 3. If you do get infected DO NOT continue using your computer until it has been swept for virus' and spyware.
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